
This page contains the disclaimer of www.ten-brinke.nl, as made available by Ten Brinke Interieurbeplanting. In this disclaimer, we indicate the conditions under which we provide the information on our website, brochures, in our presentations or e-mail to you.

Intellectual property
The use of the information on our website, brochures, in our presentations or e-mail is intended to inspire and provide an insight into Ten Brinke Interieurbeplanting’s business, from office plants to acoustic solutions. This information is free of charge as long as you do not copy, distribute or otherwise use or misuse this information. You may re-use the information on this website, in our brochures and presentations or e-mail only in accordance with the regulations of mandatory law.

Without the express written permission of Ten Brinke Interieurbeplanting, it is not permitted to reuse text, photo material or other materials on this website, in our brochures and presentations or e-mail. The intellectual property belongs to Ten Brinke Interieurbeplanting.

No guarantee of accuracy
No guarantee or declaration is given regarding the reasonableness, correctness or completeness of the information published on the site or to which access is provided via the site.